Should I Elope or Have a Traditional Wedding: Quiz

Are you struggling to decide between a traditional wedding or something outside-the-box? With the rise of elopements, some couples feel drawn towards this trend but fear missing out on having their loved ones present for this milestone moment. While saving money is a significant draw for elopements, some couples have always dreamed of a large bridal party, a perfect wedding dress, lavish decor, and a grand celebration.

On the other hand, some couples feel overwhelmed by the thought of planning a big wedding and pleasing everyone. They believe committing their lives to each other without a sea of onlookers feels right.

We believe there's no right way to get married, but choosing how to wed can be tricky. That's why we've created a quiz to help you pinpoint the type of wedding that aligns with your values and desires.

Our quiz is designed to help you make a confident decision. We recommend you grab your partner, sit down with your favorite drink, and snuggle into a relaxed state. It's best to take the quiz separately and resist the urge to discuss the questions. Answer the questions honestly, listening to your gut instinct. Don't answer the questions based on how you think you should respond; listen to your heart.

No matter your wedding type, Ohiopyle Weddings has a venue for you! Hop into our inbox we would love to hear what kind of wedding you have decided on!

Lanie Greenbaum